Dr. Danette Torres, Dr. Martha B. Pernas and Dr. Rebeca A. Kimsey

975 Baptist Way, Suite 103
Homestead, FL 33033

Educational Links

Childhood and School Immunizations
CDC Immunization Schedule
CDC Vaccine Information Statements
Vaccine Safety - English
Vaccine Safety - Español
CHOP Vaccine Education
Common Pediatric Conditions / Symptoms Checker and Medication Dosing
Child Symptom Checker - English
Child Symptom Checker - Español
Tylenol and Ibuprofen Dosing
Development Milestones & Questionnaires
Pediatric Websites
American Academy of Pediatrics - Healthy Children
Developmental Milestones
Autism Screening MCHAT 18 & 24 mo old- English
Autism Screening MCHAT 18 & 24 mo old - Español
Developmental Screen 9 mo - English
Breastfeeding - La Leche League International
Safe Sleep
Introducing Solids - English
Introducing Solids - Español
Developmental Screen 9 mo - Español
Developmental Screen 18 mo - English
Developmental Screen 18 mo - Español
Developmental Screen 30 mo - English
Children & Adolescents
Developmental Screen 30 mo - Español
Healthy Sleep - AAP: English
Healthy Sleep - AAP: Español
Healthy Sleep Routines and Common Problems
ADHD Screening Vanderbilts Parent- English
ADHD Screening Vanderbilts Parent- Español
ADHD Screening Vanderbilts Teacher
Depression Screening Adolescents - English
Depression Screening Adolescents - Español
Teen Depression
Preventing STDs
Physical Activity and Safety
Physical Activity
Summer Safety
Preventing Chronic Disease & A Healthy Summer
Quit Smoking
Dog Bite Prevention
Drowning Prevention
Gun Safety in the Home